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Wyoming Attorneys Educate 5th Graders About U.S. Constitution
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Bar in partnership with the Equal Justice Wyoming Foundation announced that on March 16, 2016, Wyoming lawyers will be visiting nearly every fifth-grade classroom in the state to give a one-hour presentation about the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Amendments. The program is known as Liberty Day.
Founded in 1996, the Liberty Day Institute is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), nonpartisan organization which spans the nation and is dedicated to educating all Americans, but especially the next generation, about the contents of the Constitution of the United States of America.
“We are very excited to have this program delivered in all 23 counties this year,” said Kristen Schlattmann, Liberty Day Program Chair. “I’m impressed with the great response from the lawyers in the state as well as the teachers and administrators. Education about the principles expressed in our Constitution is important, and Wyoming lawyers are proud to be a part of this outreach effort.”
Wyoming’s approximate 7,000 fifth-grade students will each receive a pocket-sized booklet containing the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Teachers will also receive lesson plan materials and access to Liberty Day’s online Teacher Resource Suite.
Among the lawyers participating in the program on March 16th will be Supreme Court Justice William U. Hill, U.S. District Court Chief Magistrate Kelly H. Rankin, and Wyoming Attorney General Peter K. Michael, as well as local state court judges.
Anyone interested in further information about Liberty Day activities in Wyoming should contact Kristen Schlattmann at (307) 347-2331. Those seeking general information about Liberty Day should visit www.libertyday.org or call 866-718-3434.
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