May 11, 2018 – Attacking the Expert’s Opinion at Trial

Date: May 11, 2018
Location: (2 options)
Radisson Hotel
204 West Fox Farm Road
Cheyenne, Wyoming
From the comfort of your own home or office via live stream!
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Cost: FREE
Credit Approval: 6 CLE Credits


The adverse expert is typically the most dangerous witness because he testifies cloaked in the mantle of the “unbiased scientist;” thus, his testimony – if accepted by the jury – can determine an issue … maybe the entire case. There is one right, logical method with which to effectively attack the purported merits of that expert’s opinion … no matter the area of law, no matter the field of expertise. As never before, this seminar brilliantly elucidates that logical method and teaches the archetypal set of integrated questions that are at the heart of every great adverse expert deposition … and every trial cross-examination.

Robert Musante is the nation’s foremost teacher of deposition cross-examination. (Check the evals!) He has taught the logic essential to taking great adverse depositions – of fact witnesses and experts – to more than 45,000 litigators in 42 states. He has made in-house presentations to the attorneys-general of 11 states and to the partners and associates of 80+ litigation law firms.

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