Attending or participating in the education of professionals, including attorneys, on legal topics or non‐legal topics which nevertheless integrally relate to the practice of law.
Live Webcast: Live audio and/or video Internet transmissions on a specific date and time.
Teleconference: A live conference held among people in different locations by means of telecommunications equipment.
Webinar: A web-based seminar, presentation, lecture or workshop that is transmitted over the web. A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements—the ability to give, receive and discuss information.
Up to 15 hours per year
Lecture / Instruction
Uncompensated lecture or instruction of professionals, including attorneys, on legal topics or non‐legal topics which nevertheless integrally relate to the practice of law.
Three hours of credit will be granted for each hour spent lecturing. If attorney lectures as part of a panel, the total length of the lecture will be divided by the number of panelists, and that portion will be multiplied by three for instruction credit. Credit will not be granted for instructing duplicate courses in the same calendar year unless substantive changes are made in the program. CLE Rule 4(d).
Up to 15 hours per year
Legal Writing
Uncompensated time spent researching and writing articles that are published in a legal periodical including without limitation law reviews, legal newsletters, pamphlets, magazines or newspapers, consisting of case summaries, law updates and other subjects of interest to the legal community. CLE Rule 5(c).
Up to 15 hours per year
Pro Bono Activities
Representation or mentoring activities as defined in Rule 6.1 of the Wyoming Rules of Professional Conduct. Including performing pro bono public service, acting as a mentor for another attorney who is performing pro bono public service, and acting as a mentor for an eligible law student in accordance with Rule 9 of the Rules Governing the Wyoming State Bar and the Authorized Practice of Law.
Such credit may be received at the rate of one credit hour for each two hours of pro bono public service. CLE Rule 5(d).
Up to five hours per year
Audio, video or online material is used.
Online Seminar: Internet broadcast of pre‐recorded audio and/or video transmissions available on demand.
No hours may be carried over to any subsequent years. CLE Rule 5(e).
Up to eight hours per year