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Johnson County War Dispute at Center of High School Mock Trial Case
The cattlemen’s invasion of northern Wyoming – known as the Johnson County War of 1892 – is at the center of a modern-day academic dispute in the Wyoming High School Mock Trial case prepared for competition November 19, 2016.
State of Wyoming vs. Frances(is) Warren is posted on www.wyomingmocktrial.com, providing student teams the court documents, witness statements and exhibits necessary to prepare for the state tournament in Cheyenne. In this year’s case, questions over involvement of Wyoming Sen. Francis E. Warren in the planning and execution of the strange and murderous Johnson County War lead to allegations of assault and burglary in the History Department of Wyoming State University.
Wyoming High School Mock Trial is supported by grants from the Wyoming State Bar.
Through mock trial, students get an inside perspective of our legal system, sharpen their critical thinking and strategy skills, enjoy teamwork and develop poise and confidence as they portray attorneys and witnesses.
WHSMT urges Wyoming attorneys to get involved with local high schools to help organize teams and coach the students. Coaching information is provided at www.wyomingmocktrial.com. Attorneys also will be needed to help score rounds at the state competition in November.
For more information, contact the Wyoming High School Mock Trial state coordinator, Marguerite Herman, at 307-638-1468 or wyomingmockrial@gmail.com.
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