Thursday, October 3rd at 1:00 p.m.
Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club
5000 North Spring Gulch Road
Jackson Hole
Back by popular demand, Richard Mincer and Scott Ortiz will once again be hosting a re-vamped, re-styled, and re-imagined golf tournament. Don’t worry, we’ll be done in plenty of time to hose off before the evening’s festivities. Anyone who likes to have a good time will want to participate. Golf prowess is definitely not required and may even be a detriment in some instances. This is a Tee Party with the emphasis on party. The game is played with golf clubs and balls, for the most part anyway. Each hole will present a unique, irreverent and maybe even diabolical challenge. You’ll be on a team, so you’ll have others at your side to share the thrill of victory and agony of defeat. Come join your fellow bar members for a golf-inspired good time. It’s a TEE PARTY.