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Retired Cheyenne Attorney Receives Wyoming State Bar President’s Award
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming State Bar is pleased to announce that Gary R. Scott is this year’s recipient of the President’s Award. The award was presented at this year’s Annual Meeting & Judicial Conference, which took place last week at the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center in Laramie.
The award is reserved for a person or organization that has special meaning to the President of the Wyoming State Bar. This year’s President, Robert C. Jarosh of Cheyenne, recognized Scott.
“Gary’s impact on my life and my professional career is immeasurable,” said Jarosh. “He taught me very early in my career to treat every client like I would want an attorney to treat my own family—as if their case is the single most important case there is. Gary practiced what he preached, and I would not be the attorney I am today without his careful counsel and guidance. Perhaps more importantly, though, Gary taught me the importance of balancing my professional life with my personal life, and to always remember that nothing is more important in life than family. Even though he retired several years ago, not a day goes by when I do not think about Gary’s influence on my life and how thankful I am for his friendship.”
Scott was born in Fort Collins, Colorado, and grew up in Casper, Wyoming. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Wyoming in 1973 and went on to the College of Law to obtain his Juris Doctorate in 1981. Scott spent his entire 33-year career practicing law with the Cheyenne firm Hirst Applegate, LLP, retiring at the end of 2013. During his illustrious career as a trial attorney, Scott argued more than 30 cases before the Wyoming Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Many of his cases were landmark decisions that significantly shaped the law in Wyoming, particularly in the employment law arena.
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