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Wyoming Supreme Court Suspends Four Attorneys
CHEYENNE–The Wyoming Supreme Court has suspended four lawyers from the practice of law in Wyoming for failing to comply with the Rules of the Wyoming Supreme Court for Continuing Legal Education.
Rule 4 of the Wyoming Supreme Court for Continuing Legal Education requires each active attorney to complete a minimum of 15 hours of continuing legal education, including two hours of legal ethics, in each calendar year. Rule 10(a) requires attorneys who have failed to comply with Rule 4 to pay a $300 delinquency fee by March 1st. The following attorneys failed to satisfy these requirements for 2015:
- Candace Nicole LaBron – Ft. Worth, Texas
- Jennifer Lynn Albert Morgan – Parker, Colorado
The following attorney is being suspended for her failure to comply with Rule 4(a), which requires each active attorney to complete a minimum of 15 hours of continuing legal education, including two hours of legal ethics, in each calendar year:
- Nicole Crighton – New York, New York
The following attorney is being suspended for her failure to comply with Rule 10(a), which requires attorneys who have failed to comply with Rule 4 to pay a $300 delinquency fee by March 1st.
- Mary Maury Dunn – Casper, Wyoming
Anyone wishing further information should contact the Wyoming State Bar at (307) 432-2102.
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