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“You Be The Judge” Comes to Laramie
LARAMIE – The Wyoming 2nd Judicial District for Albany and Carbon Counties, in conjunction with the Wyoming Supreme Court, is pleased to present You Be The Judge at the Albany County District Courthouse, November 18 & 19, 2015, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
You Be The Judge is an interactive community outreach program designed to educate Wyoming citizens on the purposes and responsibilities of the Wyoming judicial system. The program is designed to provide participants with a behind the scenes glimpse into the difficult decisions faced by Wyoming judges. Attendees learn how the Wyoming judicial system works, how judges are selected, and what the rule of law is.
In addition, legal arguments will be presented on various topics, including: 4th Amendment issues, divorce/custody issues, landlord/tenant issues, and evidence suppression. After hearing the legal arguments, the audience will be asked to make a ruling on the matter. The arguments will be presented by local attorneys, and the discussion facilitated by professors at the UW College of Law.
Throughout the event participants are given the opportunity to ask questions and to weigh in on how they would rule on the particular case. Participants will hear from District Court Judge Jeffrey A. Donnell, Wade E. Waldrip, and Circuit Court Judge Robert A. Castor on the Wednesday, November 18th, and from Chief Justice E. James Burke and Justice Michael Davis, Justice Kate Fox, and Justice Keith Kautz of the Wyoming Supreme Court on Thursday, November 19th.
The public is invited to attend and encouraged to participate in both sessions. There will be light refreshments provided as well as CLE credit for attorneys through the Wyoming State Bar.
Albany County Courthouse, 525 Grand Avenue, District Court Room, Laramie, WY 82070.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Tori Kricken at 307-721-5554.
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